Common Ethnic Traits:
Suggested Naming Conventions: Either elvin names, or human names pertaining to the cultural backgound..
Hair Color: Depends on Parents
Eye Colors: Depends on Parents, though Heterochromia is more common among half elves than any human/elvin race.
Complexion: In most cases, a Half Elf's skin tone is derived more on the human parent than the elf parent. Although they may or may not inherit the elvin resistance towards tanning and burning.
Height Average: Depends on Parents
Ears: Shorter than an elf's, but pointed, unlike a human.
Between the lines: Half Elves are of a dualistic nature, and this allows them many of the racial advantages that both parents have. Yet because of their unnatural existence, half elves are seldom ever at home among either. They are just as likely to be born infertile than not. But only those who are can feel the psalms of their elf parent's race. And that connection is still weak. Being outsiders however has granted them a level of adaptability and empathy towards others that few can ever hope to have.
Crystal Children: Whether they can feel the psalm of their elf parent or not, half elves can occasionally catch glimpses of strange realities, future outcomes of a choice, or emotional memories of others around them. These glimpses are involuntary, fleeting, and very rare. Something of their dual human nature and elvin nature makes them more psychic than most races. Though this will likely never be explained to them, and so the likeliness of having the gift trained is very rare. But because they are affected by the song meant to assist the elves to returning to there Sidhe ancestors and their ancient latent Almoran heritage, half elves claim they occasionally feel pulled by fate. And it shows. For they lead more eventful lives than most folk.
Half elves are a common story, and have been around for as long as humans and elves realized that each race does seem to share many of the same qualities that they just happen to look for in mates. But the first children of these interactions must have changed their minds rather fast. For half elves make awkward children for both parents. Only some feel the song that the elf parents do. But they are almost always infertile and unable to bare offspring. Those that don't feel the song are able to bare children of their own, but they loose that magical connection to the Sidhe ancestors. Both types age awkwardly, which is a challenge that either parent rarely ever plans for. Too fast for an elf, too slow for a human. And as children, they tend to stare. Their stare of course tends to make people around them uncomfortable, since it appears as though they're looking right into the parts of you that you aren't comfortable looking at yourself. But also, they stare into space. Zoning out, or hyper-focusing on absolutely nothing. They make friends with things that are completely imaginary. And sometimes, they even learn some particularly peculiar things from them. Things that you could have sworn you told nobody about. Yes, half elves are those kinds of children. But most grow out of that. They just grow too slowly for some. And it's known to have a strain on both parents. As a result, most half elves know what its like to be deemed a mistake by at least one of their parents, if not, both. And those who grow up alongside and around them are likely to be just as aloof towards them. Calling them things like bastards and half breeds. With the exception of those born into Eugencian Nobility, who idealize the elves and give them a high place as status symbols, many half elves are all too familiar with what it means to be an outcast. The few humans that did stand up for them as kids? They grew up. The few elves who did so. They didn't. And so, with no stable group of friends, many half elves simply give in. They can learn how to get along easily enough with others later in life. But there's a loneliness in their occasionally mismatched eyes which many merely accept without a fight.
There are however, some races that Half Elves may find lifelong friends in. For example, other half elves, who could actually understand the challenges they face in life. And there are Asmians, who age slower than than other humans. They have a similar nature as a human race that has been changed by the ambient energies of the fae world, thus both a human and kinda like a fairy, many Asmians tend to have viewpoints that can connect with half elves. And Dwarves live to be about as long as half elves as well, so should a half elf grow up along side a hill dwarf in scarlough, they may find a stronger bond than most. Though obviously, there are no ancestral lands that half elves could racially claim as their own. They occur most commonly in places where humans and elves happen to live in close proximity, but sometimes one parent is a traveler who simply shared a night with the other, then picked up and left. (Suffice to say, many actually are bastards.) And as such, half elves assimilate wherever they are born to. And should both parents be near their home communities, this may mean they grow to be very quick to pick up things. Perhaps even as quickly and easily as Mezzoramians. And add to that, they have more time to learn. This may feed a half elf's desire to travel and see new places. To visit distant lands with alien customs. And maybe even find fulfillment in the quest for learning and obtaining knowledge. As such, half elves are actually fairly commonly seen as traveling traders through out the roads and towns of Estellon, or even further. But not all get the chance to travel. Some, born into certain families with responsibilities, may be locked down, and unable to leave the nest. But for most, many humans or elves would never place a half elf in line to inherit anything. There is a concept that has become a bit of a running joke in the lands. And in many stories you may find the half elf heir as a stock character. While not as dastardly as the miller, the half elf heir is often used in comical effect to show a character who is has outlived his father, but is both a child, and a bit of a dead end in the family line. Thus he will write his deeds and contracts in a sneaky way to take advantage of his longer life. Only to in the end, disappoint everyone adopt a new heir, passing the old family business on to someone with no blood ties to the family whatsoever.
That all being said, there is much more to a half elf than they may ever know themselves. For because they are half elf, and half man, they have an ancient connection to two very different legacies that are long lost to most of both parent races. But because of both their dualistic spheres of cognitive thought and unique mixture of genetic code, they may just be able to utilize small traces of either lineage. For the elves are descendant from the mysterious and boundless Sidhe. And the first group of humans to crop up in the world, as according to ancient elf account, were powerful psychic beings with much longer life spans, and able to bend the world with mere thought. Though this is very esoteric lore, it is commonly used in the secretive occult communities to explain why half elves seem to have both powerful psychic and sorcerous potential. Although if not seized upon in their early youth, half elves will loose this ability with age. And most do. Most who would become adventures would become classified as a variety of classes, dependent on what sorts of cultures they were brought up in. They become fighters, rogues, clerics, and wizards, as well as everything in between. But should they awaken that Sidhe connection, then half elf sorcerers may find an untapped bloodline that true elves have lost long ago. Likewise, should they be trained and mentored in the psychic arts, they may become gifted psychics. And either will give them an uncommon advantage over many other adventurers in the field. For Sidhe blooded sorcerers and any of the occult classes are a rare thing in Estellon's adventuring culture. And sometimes, for adventurers, rare talents are much more marketable in their careers.