The Elves of Moonpsalm:
The Elves are a race of creature which predates many of the mortal races. They were the descendants of a fairy race known as the Sidhe, and bare long lives, aging very slowly. Elves are as much a part of the world as magic is a part of them. And a large part of this is because of the psalm of creation that Esmeranda "Extended their ears" to be able to hear. No, Elves don't actually physically hear this metaphysical melody. But the feel it on a spiritual level. It moves them, spurs them to action, or lulls them to patience based on the flow of fate which affects all mortal creatures. Ever dynamic, instilling purpose and reason into their decisions. Feeling this psalm and staying with its rhythm is important to elves in ways that humans could not even begin to fathom. And those who have grown discordant from it are prone to anxiety, impatience, and irrationality. Thankfully on an individual basis, elves are able to find their rhythm again. Even after blatantly going against it. But each race of elf is attuned to a different psalm. And should the entire race's connection to that psalm be shifted, it could lead to unpredictable changes in their entire nature. The loss of certain virtues that were once ingrained in them could be seen in the example of the ice elves. And the High Elves have switched to a completely different melody all together. But a race fully torn from the song? The Ash Elves live with just such an existence. And it has left them a haunted race. Elves who are completely severed from the psalms of their race are called Dark Elves.