The stars must have aligned this time, as everything seems to be falling into place rather easily for once. And I cannot express how grateful I am to whatever forces are at play here. After receiving my tax returns on time (Unlike last year, which resulted in me camping out in my car and relying solely on the kindness of others for food the entire previous con;) I was able to acquire a room for the entire four days. Which basically means that my plan of purchasing a water park pass just to take advantage of the locker room showers is now null and void. And I was able to purchase even more stuff for my summer varient. As well as amendments to my general outfit for the future. Also, after hearing about what I do at cons, and hearing that I was going to collossalcon, one of my online RP buddies gave me a new quest.
New Quests:
-Go to the elemental plane of water and get a sexy swimsuit picture of yourself.
So uh... Yeah, I have something of a swimming varient in the works.
I also have a friend who decided to join me, ready to support me both with room costs and questing. He's been wanting to put together a medieval outfit like mine for a while. So, after giving him some recommendations for his bard character's outfit (And medieval clothing in general), and ordering him a nice rapier much like my own prop weaponry from epic armoury (Which I also have a second sword coming through), I think it's safe to say that the solitary ranger Tobias Wren will be joined by his first permanent party member. That's right, the con-questers will be a duo with Tobias chronicling the quests, and Rain the fantastic minstrel of Doncaster taking the pictures and breathing life into the tales. (I don't have a camera, so it will be nice to have someone who does for all those quests involving taking pictures. I've always had to rely on other party members to take pictures for me, so this way we could probably set up an official instagram or something.
Needless to say, his outfit will not be complete by the time the con rolls around. Just like mine, it takes time to really build them for low income people like us. For now, he has the boots, the pants, and the shirt, and by next month, he will have leather chest armor, and a belt with some much needed pouches. (Since medieval clothing traditionally never had pockets.) As mentioned, I am adding to it by buying him a foam rapier and a sword frog to hold it. Other additional fine tuning will be done before another con.
But once all the armor arrives we both plan on getting together and getting some pictures to show for everyone before the con. And with that, we could probably give some spotlight to the various people who join our party, like I've personally always wanted to do.
Lastly, I managed to get Thursday and Friday off from work, which... I mean, it doesn't sound like much, but I am a temp worker, and thus they really hate giving us days off since we are their cheap source of labor. So it just means that my car doesn't have to magically break down at the end of may. Oh yeah, speaking of which, I suppose it's time to get that serpentine belt replaced.