Alright, the individual parts of the summer varient of my outfit are in, and I finally have time to put all of them on and figure out how to optimize with what I have been given. For those who may notice some inconsistency in the first reveal of my cuirass, yes. The cuirass is actually two different parts. A lower and an upper part. Which is great for me, since I require room for a belt to hold my things. So I decided to do away with the lower part for the final outfit design. Speaking of belts, I was mildly afraid the belt wouldn't fit me when I first tried it on, but soon as I put on the gamberson, it filled out nicely. I will likely only be wearing the cuirass on Friday and Saturday, and traveling more lightly with just the gamberson on Thursday and Sunday. And yes, that is a new, sleeveless gamberson, because my previous one was not designed with summer heat in mind. The new one is a hell of a lot more stiff, which... I mean let's face it, the previous gamberson was designed more for costuming than to function as actual armor. And yeah, like a lot of medieval historical nerds, I am one of those who would argue that cloth armor should be worth more than +1 AC. But I'm in no shape to talk about historical accuracy when I'm wearing leather armor, so... I digress. The point is, it does its job, functions as protection for my character, and makes the leather armor more comfortable. (I could see the leather armor rubbing into my shoulders and neck, otherwise.) The gloves might be a size too small. Like they look good in the pics, but are very hard to get on and off. I might have to get a size category larger. (I hate being that awkward size between small and medium, and yet having large hands. XD ) Alright, with that being said, lets go to my brother's room since it has better lighting, and get some pictures. Oh, and there is a bonus for that new quest I mentioned last time.
And of course I have a secondary summer varient for my cosplay...
For those wondering, there is no such thing as a medieval swimsuit. So I obtained a pair of short canvas trousers instead. Now I can finally accept water park quests.